Friday, April 29, 2011

Outstanding Student Writing

Just returned from an oral defense of an excellent senior thesis by Caleb Simone.  His topic: "Nietzsche as the first tragic philosopher."  Hats off to Caleb and his advisor Dwight Allman for an outstanding job.  As one committee member said, "Even the footnotes were a true pleasure to read."

It's a privilege to be part of these things.


  1. Give us a sample footnote-- maybe I can learn from this kid!

  2. Here's a sample from p. 46: "Theoretical men--like Plato and Immanuel Kant--place value on the noumenal world, the 'thing in itself,' the ideal world of the forms. In Nietzsche's artist's metaphysics, there is no ideal world that underlies all existence. According to Nietzsche, the idea of a 'true world' in contrast to an apparent one' is simply a lie. See *Ecce Homo*, part 2: 'The *lie* of the ideal has so far been the curse on reality; on account of it, mankind itself has become mendacious and false down to its most fundamental instincts."

  3. I'm sort of with MO...if you are going to speak gotta talk 'human'... :)
    Just kidding...this is beautiful!

  4. It is a privilege indeed. I learned much about Heidegger and language yesterday from one of our own seniors at Saint Vincent, Alexander Crist!

  5. Not only an outstanding student, but also a top-notch husband and father. : )
